Usage Protocol for Kiyomi's K-Bond+ Universal Adhesive

In the field of dental aesthetics, Kiyomi’s K-Bond+ Universal adhesive stands out for its versatility and effectiveness, enhancing its bonding power through dual chemical and micromechanical adhesion.

This product offers various usage protocols depending on the chosen approach (direct restorations in enamel and dentin, indirect restorations requiring adhesive cementation), applying it as a primer for metal, zirconia, etchable ceramics, intraradicular post cementation, and it is also ideal for use with dental structure reinforcement meshes.
Its 7th generation allows it to be used with any etching technique (self-etch, selective-etch, and total-etch). Undoubtedly, it has many applications, making it a fantastic product that helps achieve secure adhesive steps in a “simple and easy” manner.
In this article, we will focus on the protocols for each etching technique by exploring in detail the three main etching methods involved in achieving secure and predictable adhesion. We will provide a clear and practical guide to optimizing clinical results with K-Bond+ Universal.
Self- etch technique
No prior etching is required on enamel or dentin.
- Apply a drop of adhesive using a disposable microapplicator.
- Actively rub the adhesive for 10 seconds.
- Apply a second drop of adhesive to create a second layer.
- Use a gentle air stream for 10 seconds to evaporate the ethanol solvent.
- Light-cure for 10 seconds (we recommend the Kira curing light).

Selective-etch technique
- Apply phosphoric acid for 15 seconds only on enamel.
- Rinse the surface thoroughly with water.
- Dry the cavity without dehydrating the dentin or leaving excess water on the surface.
- Apply a drop of adhesive using a disposable micro-applicator.
- Actively rub the adhesive for 10 seconds.
- Apply a second drop of adhesive to create a second layer.
- Use a gentle air stream for 10 seconds to evaporate the ethanol solvent.
- Light-cure for 10 seconds.

Total-etch technique
- Apply phosphoric acid for 15 seconds on enamel and dentin.
- Rinse the surface thoroughly with water.
- Dry the cavity without dehydrating the dentin or leaving excess water on the surface.
- Actively rub the adhesive for 10 seconds.
- Apply a second drop of adhesive to create a second layer.
- Use a gentle air stream for 10 seconds to evaporate the ethanol solvent.
- Light-cure for 10 seconds.

Kiyomi’s K-Bond+ Universal adhesive provides versatile and effective solutions to meet different clinical needs based on the type of dental substrate. The three techniques we’ve analyzed allow for safe and predictable optimization of results, ensuring long-lasting, high-quality adhesion.
Understanding and applying the appropriate protocol not only enhances treatment efficacy but also improves the patient’s experience. If you’re looking for a reliable adhesive tailored to the demands of modern dentistry, K-Bond+ Universal is a choice that will make a difference in your daily practice and remember to always do it “simple and easy.”